Are You Getting Ready to Purchase or Lease a New Car?

Auto dealer manhattan ks

You have become frequent customers at the local Hyundai dealerships in town. In fact, two of the last times that you visited, you drove away with not one, but two new cars. You have purchased a couple, leased a few, but the one thing that has been common is the fact that all of these cars were found at one of the Hyundai dealerships.
After making your decision on the new cars, however, you do not often return to the dealerships, with the exception of the free first oil change that they provide with each purchase. It is not that the following oil changes are that expensive, but it the Hyundai dealerships in your town are in inconvenient locations. It makes sense to travel to this location when you are looking at options for car leasing, but when it comes to regular maintenance later on, it is just easier to go to the quick lane service centers that are closer to home.
The biggest factor in returning to the Hyundai dealerships, aside from the affordable prices, is that the cars are safe. Unfortunately, you know this from experience. Both your husband’s and your older daughter’s first Hyundai cars were totaled in accidents. In the case of your husband, he was at fault because he turned late on a yellow light; in the case of your daughter, she was not at fault. In both situations, luckily, the cars were totaled, but no one in the car was hurt. Both you and your younger daughter were in the car when your husband’s Hyundai sonata was totaled; your daughter was alone when she was in her accident. Two crashes. Two cars. Four Family members. No injuries.
Definitely reason enough to stick with the same kind of cars year after year.
Car Purchase and Lease Decisions Require Careful Consideration
Whether you are a retiree looking for a dependable car for trips to and from to see your children and grandchildren or you are the parents of a daughter getting ready to go away for college, a local Hyundai dealership might be the perfect suggestion. With several models available in several price ranges, Hyundai purchases and lease options can seem like a great solution.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the car buying and leasing industry in America:

  • New and used car purchases both take careful consideration and research.
  • Estimates from the year 2014 indicate that 88% of Americans reported owning a car.
  • Wheel taxes are an extra cost that some people have to take into consideration when they get ready to license and register a car.

  • Statistics indicate that 43% of people are financing their vehicle, not paying for them in full.
  • Estimates show that 43% of consumers see a car dealership as a place to learn, from specifics about a certain kind of car to understanding the need for proper maintenance service appointments.
  • The latest research shows that the average vehicle will have three owners in its lifetime.

  • One recent survey produced results that showed that an estimated 77% of cars were in need of maintenance or repairs.
  • Finding a local dealership that you trust can lead to return purchases. Many people, for instance, only by Ford’s because they have established a relationship with the service department.

  • When combined dealership sales and private-party transactions are taken into consideration, nearly 40 million used cars exchange hands each year.
  • How many cars that you have in your family often determines the amount of insurance that you will pay. Considerations that are important when you are getting ready to upgrade to a new car or when you are adding a vehicle to your policy.
  • Everyone in a family does not need to have a car
  • Energy and fuel efficiency vehicles are growing increasingly popular, especially among environmentally aware consumers of all ages.
  • Like any thing of value that you purchase, maintenance is always important. For instance, most dealers and mechanics recommend that depending on driving habits, drivers could change oil every 7,500 miles or more.
  • Satelite radio, on screen GPS directions, and other new technologies add to the allure of buying or leasing a new car, rather than looking at older, used car models.

If you are getting ready to decide on a NEW SET OF WHEELS, make sure that you do your research.

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