Industrial Work Remains Important Even During This Pandemic

People often come across load cells on a daily basis but are unaware what they are and what they are used for. A load cell is anything that needs weighing, like bathroom and kitchen scales, luggage weighing at the airport, self-service checkout and so forth.
There are a variety of load cell platforms that are highly accurate and versatile, they are designed specifically for harsh environments. The 3 wire load cell connection is designed to be insensitive and are high quality stain steel. They can be used for:

Medical devices,
Machines for packaging,
Load cell model
Industrial and retail scales
Load cell platform, and load cell reader.

There are ways in which applied force can be translated into measurable load cell reading. Those include:

Pneumatic Load Cells,
Hydraulic Load cells and
Strain Gauge Load Cells

Load cells are not given the attention they really deserve, but they are very important in every manufacturing, quality assurance and industrial. Load cell models together with the 3 wire load cell connections are all essential and appropriate for today’s market.

Are you essential?

One of the more common questions during this unique period of time is whether or not your job is considered essential enough that you are able to still go into work. And while many people have spent their entire lives certain that their job was very important, when you do not receive the needed paper work to indicate that your career is essential you can find yourself feeling at a loss. In a most interesting turn of events, we live in a time when stock market traders are being asked to stay at home at work from their computers and grocery store clerks are deemed essential and are actually working longer hours than in the past. Companies that produce lubricant for metal work are deemed essential, while doctors are finding themselves stuck at home while non emergency surgeries and visits are put on hold. If you are in any kind of manufacturing work, it is likely that your companAre you essential?

One of the more common questions during this unique period of time is whether or not your job is considered essential enough that you are able to still go into work. And while many people have spent their entire lives certain that their job was very important, when you do not receive the needed paper work to indicate that your career is essential you can find yourself feeling at a loss. In a most interesting turn of events, we live in a time when stock market traders are being asked to stay at home at work from their computers and grocery store clerks are deemed essential and are actually working longer hours than in the past. Companies that produce lubricant for metal work are deemed essential, while doctors are finding themselves stuck at home while non emergency surgeries and visits are put on hold. If you are in any kind of manufacturing work, it is likely that your company may have found a way to make itself more essential in a time when ventilators and personal protective equipment is more important than new cars. From the factories that have long known what cutting fluids are for to engineering labs that are looking at new ways to see how synthetic lubricants can be used, we are in challenging times, and many of us the only good day was yesterday.

Lubricant Distributors Who Know What Are Cutting Fluids and Can Adapt Are in High Demand

Being able to adapt to the current needs of today’s world is the difference between success and failure. And while there may have been a long time in the nation’s history when white collar workers garnered more respect than blue collar workers, today knowing how to complete cosmetic surgery is a skill that nonessential, while understanding what are cutting fluids is key. With the latest metal forming that is needed for health care workers to treat their patients with too few ventilators, knowledge about what are cutting fluids and how these lubricants can be used to speed up production is more than an essential skill.

Consider these facts and figures about the importance the lubrication industry has played in the past and the role that knowing what are cutting fluids can mean in today’s changing times:

  • More than $4 billion worth of metalworking fluids is anticipated to be consumed for lubricating transportation equipment across the globe, according to a Future Market Insights report from 2017.
  • Manufacturing companies estimate that 70% of their unplanned equipment shutdowns in the last three years were caused by incorrect lubricant selection or management, according to a recent study.
  • Typically, a substantial flow of fluids is used in the metal removal process, for example, between four and 20 liters per minute, so metalworking lubricants, coolants, and fluids play a vital role in machining.
  • 89% of lubrication professionals consider an oil’s viscosity index when selecting a lubricant, according to a recent survey.
  • By definition, semi-synthetic lubricants contain less than 30% oil content in concentrate while pure synthetics contain no oil at all.
  • Cooling, lubrication, chip removal, and corrosion control are the four main functions of metalworking fluids, and understanding these applications and processes is key to keeping expensive machines running efficiently.
  • Nearly 2.5 million metric tonnes of metalworking fluids were sold across the globe in 2016, according to Future Market Insights report.
  • A 2016 report projected that the metalworking fluids (MWF) market would reach $9.74 billion by the year 2020, but the latest changes could increase these numbers.
  • Cost reductions from recycling metalworking fluids can be significant, with a potential 8% volume reduction against a non-recycling system.
  • A recent international study revealed that a mere 42% of manufacturing companies have all the correct procedures in place to effectively manage lubricants, and 63% believe they do not conduct staff training on lubricants as regularly as they should. Both of these conditions can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on expensive machines.

As the nation relies on the trucking industry even more today, it is important that over the road companies can find a way to make sure their rigs last as long as possible. Part of this process is making the best use of the right kinds of lubricants.

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