Keep Yourself Safe While Riding

Safety is the number one thing that all motorcycle riders should consider while actively riding. There are numerous motorcycle riding safety tips available online that can help keep accidents and injuries low, but one of the top ways to avoid a nasty spill is to know the best parts to use for modifications and the best parts manufacturers.
A common motorcycle accessory that causes a lot of issues for motorcycle owners is the brakes. In fact, a Consumer Report from last year found that the single most common issue riders had with their bikes were brake related. Sometimes riders can get away with buying certain cheap motorcycle parts for their bike, but brakes are something not to overlook. Visit a motorcycle parts store and talk to an expert to find the best brakes for your bike.
Another safety measure all bikers should take is wearing a helmet. There currently are 28 states in the US with partial helmet laws and 19 states with universal helmet laws for riding. It is recommended by the Department of Transportation that all riders in the US use a DOT certified helmet while riding. There’s always the option of creating an unique motorcycle accessory and create a custom made helmet.
It is important to keep in mind what types of clothes you wear while riding. Motorcycle gear is typically made of leather and other durable materials, which help protect skin from contact with heated parts of the motorcycle, or in the worst care, the road. Protective clothing while riding will reduce the risk of road rash and even serious injury during falls.
During 2012 the highest amount of motorcycle related injures occurred in ages twenty to twenty-four. Young riders should keep safety in mind while riding and take extra caution as they gain experience on the bike. It is estimated that forty nine percent of motorcycle crashes in the US are caused by the bike coming into contact with another vehicle, this according to the NHTSA. You should always be on the look our for other driver’s and stay clear tailgaters.