Lost Your Key Fob? Here’s What You Can Do

Losing anything can turn a nice day into a stressful one in an instant. If you’ve lost or misplaced your car’s key fob and you absolutely can’t find it, there are solutions available to you. Depending on how old your car is and what type of keys and/or key fob you have, there are multiple avenues that may or may not be available to you, and a lost key fob doesn’t have to ruin your day.
First off, if you purchased your car from a dealership, you will be able to buy a new key fob from them, though it can sometimes get pricey. Contact the dealership you dealt with and see what they say. However, if you don’t feel like spending what can sometimes amount to over $300, there are other options available as well.
An auto locksmith should also be able to help you in these situations. Try searching for a term like “key fob replacement near me” to find out which mobile automotive locksmith in your area will be able to supply you with a new key fob. From there, they’ll be able to help you with your lost key fob likely for far cheaper than the dealership.
In addition to this, if you own an older car and only need to replace the key fob without the actual key on it, there may be an ever cheaper solution for you. Check around online to buy the key fob specific to your make and model, and you should be able to program it yourself fairly easily as long as you have access to the interior of the car. If that doesn’t seem doable for you, an auto locksmith should be able to help you program it for a price.
Similarly, if something has gone wrong in your key fob and you need it reprogrammed, an auto locksmith will be able to help you. Before you go, check and see if you can figure it out, because it’ll save you some cash and is not too difficult.
Hopefully, your lost key fob won’t be too much of a problem for you following these tips. A replacement shouldn’t be too far out of reach for you now!
Do you have any other tips for folks who’ve lost their car’s key fob? How about sharing your experiences? Leave your comments for us down below and have a great day!