The Local Construction Workers of New Story Charity

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Homelessness is a growing concern in the whole world and it has been estimated that about three billion people will be homeless in the next 30 years. The New Story charity organization has come up with an innovative way to tackle this issue and it is encompassed in this video The Local Construction Workers of New Story Charity where locals are building adequate housing for locals that are homeless. New Story Charity is a non-profit organization like no other because of how it provides families with homes and 3D printed homes as well. This charity organization was founded in 2014 and has been able to provide and build over 2000 homes and effectively changing the lives of more than 10 000 people to date.

Instead of focusing on immediate disaster relief to families who have lost their homes to natural disasters, the founder of New Story Charity Brett Hagler realized that there was a need for long-term living solutions. He believed that to fight global homelessness innovative ideas are needed along with technology and transparency. The construction process is a plausible and affordable solution for housing in poor communities across the world. So far the charity organization has been able to expand from Haiti to three other countries including Mexico, El Salvador, and Bolivia. Due to the delicacy of the homelessness issue growth of this charity organization to more poor countries is inevitable.

Many building processes use a 3D printer that is essentially autonomous and it allows for the efficient printing of multiple houses simultaneously which saves time and money. New Story also partners up with local nonprofits to finish parts of the homes that cannot be printed and this is how they can provide jobs to the locals. Having the charity organization in an allocated area to build homes also helps to boost local businesses because the use of 3D printing machines requires frequent industrial tank inspection services to ensure a high level of safety. Industrial tank inspection services are necessary to curb the accumulation of sludge or to provide an accurate estimate of the remaining tank bottom lifetime, so a local company that can profile, clean, and inspects a tank service locally is an essential part of the building process.

Even though what this charity organization is offering is a groundbreaking solution to a looming global crisis, there are issues with government cooperation to acquire land in some cases. Hopefully, more people will be able to get behind and offer the necessary financial and skilled labor support needed to build as many homes as possible to avert this homelessness crisis that the world is facing.

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