Three Tips That Will Keep Your Car Running Safely

Virginia beach mechanic

You don’t have to treat your car like your baby — not everyone is a major car enthusiast. But you should treat your car well, as it is quite the investment. Depending on how new or old your car is, it may start losing value as soon as it leaves the lot. But if you have a car that is well cared for, it will not only last longer but be worth more should you want to sell it or trade it in within the future. Caring for a car doesn’t just mean taking it in to the auto mechanic when something is wrong. It also means taking into account vehicle maintenance vehicle repair. Regular vehicle maintenance services will help people not only drive safer cars, but worry less about big issues down the road. While it can be a pain to take your car to the auto mechanic for something seemingly minor, you’ll pay a lot more down the road should that minor issue become a major one. Ask your auto mechanic about what you can do to make your car safer to drive and more reliable. But until then, we have a few tips below on car maintenance services and repairs that will save you a lot of time, energy, and money. Remember — there’s nothing worse than being surprised by a car issue.

1. Take Care Of Your Tires

If there is one part of the car that we consistently take for granted, it the tires. We forget that all tires, no matter how well-made, are temporary and need to be replaced eventually. Therefore, we all too often blow a tire on the road and are forced to use a spare tire before finally paying a premium for an emergency replacement. There are easier ways to go about this, and it involves simply paying attention to the way your tires look and feel. A great way to tell whether or not you need to replace a car’s tires is to look at their treads. Should a tire’s treads wear down to 6/32nds of an inch, it’s time to get them replaced. Unless otherwise recommended by your auto mechanic, you may want to replace all four tires at once, as they are likely all of a similar age. Of course, this isn’t the only tire tips that can save you money. You may also want to invest in winter tires, as they will keep your car running more smoothly and your primary tires lasting much longer. If you do, remember that whether or not you have a all-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, or rear-wheel drive, all four tires must be replaced with winter tires. Inflation is, as always, an issue. If a car’s tires are under-inflated by 25% or more, the car is three times more likely to be in a crash.

2. Keep An Eye On Belts

There are a variety of different vehicle belts, and to some they are total mysteries. To others, however, belts are just a pain. But they’re much more problematic if they aren’t working correctly. You can avoid car breakdowns by regularly checking belts and hoses and replacing them if they are worn. In 19% of vehicles looked at recently, at least one belt was rated unsatisfactory, and one hose was rated as unsatisfactory for 17% of vehicles. Usually, timing belts need to be replaced every 60,000 to 90,000 miles. However, a quick look at your owner’s manual should clarify any questions about this.

3. Have Your Brakes Checked Regularly

Nobody ever thinks that their brakes will fail on them — but fail they do, whether due to age or damage or even a manufacturer error. Brake failings need to be taken seriously, as they directly endanger your life and the lives of others. They don’t last as long as many think, with brakes typically lasting between 25,000 to 50,000 miles. Have them looked at regularly by a professional — don’t simply trust your own judgment.

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