When Was the Last Time Yo Invested in Custom Car Mats?

This is the time of the yeat when custom car carpets and classic car floor mats are brought out of storage and installed. And while classic car floor mats may seem like a pretty utilitarian kind of gift, if you are the owner of an expensive vehicle then you will likely appreciate the sentiment. Uniquely distend to fit any number of makes and models, classic car floor mats are just one of the ways that vehicle owners can protect their investments.

There are, of course, many car owners who are always aware of the floor coverings that they have installed in their rides, but the winter months can be especially challenging. Snow and mud, as well as the destructive sand and gravel that are used to keep roads and parking lots from being too slick, add an extra, but needed, layer of protection to the floor board of any car.

Classic Car Enthusiasts Continue to Look for Ways to Add to the Value of Their Vehicles

In a time when there is obviously a lot of talk about fuel economy and the limit of fuel emissions, there are still many investors who pride themselves in the classic cars that they own. Although many of these vehicles may not be out on the road during the worst of weather, even indoor car shows can provide a setting where the installation of classic car floor mats may come in handy.

Evidence of just one more detail that indicates that you are protecting your classic investment, these car mats and other accessories can not only maintain, but also add, to the value of your vehicle. A trend that definitely lends itself more toward the high income bracket, owning one or collecting several classic cars is the dream of many drivers. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when CLASSIC CARS and other vehicles require special attention:

  • Cars are consistently dirtier than homes, having 17,000 times more bacteria, according to a study done by GAP Enviromicrobial Services.
  • Little known to many drivers and car owners, you should consider replacing a car’s carpeting if it is 10 years old or older.
  • A study by Charles P Gerba, a celebrity microbiologist, found greater numbers of bacteria in cars that carried children, and in places where drink or food had been spilled, as spillages provide food for bacteria. Surveys indicate that this is a real problem in that 70% of drivers eat or drink in their cars.
  • Seperate studies from the Aston University in Birmingham found that the trunk, where drivers normally place all their groceries, contains about 850 bacteria. The newest custom fit car mats can provide a durable and removable surface that can be washed when ever needed.
  • Statistics show that tens of millions of Americans suffer from a range of adverse health outcomes due to noise exposure, including heart disease and hearing loss. Finding a way to make sure that your car is as soundproof as possible is one way to limit this exposure.
  • In New York City, for example, noise is consistently the number one quality of life issue, and authorities there received more than 40,000 noise complaints in 2012.
  • Commuters say their average commute takes 26 minutes; the median is 20 minutes. Their worst commute, however, can take an average of 46 minutes, with a median of 30. If you are someone who spends a good deal of time in your car then you might be even more willing to invest in the highest quality accessories.

  • Conclusions from recent studies indicate that larger cars are generally substantially quieter than smaller ones. Driving around in a Ford Focus with over 75 decibels at 90 km/h must be a rather painful experience, which is proven by the fact that many are used to turning up the music to drown out the noise.
  • Americans say they spend an average of 87 minutes a day in their cars, but the median is 60 minutes.
  • Research indicates that if you want to stay healthier and keep the interior of your car cleaner.
  • Staying away from following diesel cars or trucks, and, whenever possible, using the carpool lane creates a situation where the air is 30% to 50% cleaner, thanks to the absence of trucks and buses

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