Help, I Lost My Keys!

On average, a person will misplace up to 9 items per day, with nearly one-third claiming to spend up to 15 minutes per day looking for said items. There is nothing more frustrating than losing keys though. I lost my keys once, and I have since taken precautionary methods to ensure that I won’t be locked out again. Luckily a local locksmith service had the answer when I yelled, “help, I lost my keys!”
Lock Replacement
Statistically speaking, a burglary occurs once every 13 seconds. More than two-thirds od burglaries in 2006 were residential, with 63% of all burglaries taking place during the day while people are away. With strong deadbolts and lock systems in place, 95% of burglars have to use some kind of force to break-in. Combined with a security system, a solid lock can make all the difference between protection and becoming a victim. A lock repair or installation can total up to $200 or less depending on the quality and type of deadbolt used.
Locked Out of Your Car
Most auto locksmiths get a call that sounds something like, “I lost my keys!” A survey of 2,000 vehicle users by Lloyds Bank Car Insurance found that 26% of drivers misplaced their car keys while one out of every 20 had their keys stolen. Of those drivers who lost their car keys, 20% said it happened at work, 15% believe it was at a store, and 13% misplaced their keys while visiting family or friends. In total, over four million Americans had to say, “I lost my keys” in 2012. On average, one out of every ten drivers have been in a situation where they cannot access their vehicle because they said, “I lost my keys”. Although keyless-entry can hopefully prevent all of us from having to tell the blacksmith that, “I lost my keys,” the truth is that keyless-entry requires regular maintenance, including battery changes every 2 years or as recommended by the manufacturer. I lost my keys once, but thanks to local locksmith services, I have duplicates made and electronic-entry options to help make sure I don’t have to stand on the side of the road explaining to my wife that I lost my keys!