Got A Leak? Learn How To Become Your Own Plumber With Do-It-Yourself Hose Clamps

You have a leak in your home and you’re worried it could get worse. Do you call an emergency plumber or handle it yourself?
Picking up do-it-yourself repair habits at home is a great way to have the best of both worlds. You can keep small problems from getting worse and save yourself money in the process. More homeowners today are picking up useful at-home repair skills on the side, giving themselves more freedom to move through the week with confidence instead of fretting about every little thing. If you’ve been dealing with more than a few leaks — or are just curious about how you can prevent a sudden disaster — you’re in luck. Cobbling together a repair toolbox is as easy as one, two, three.
Here’s what you need to show those pipes and fixtures who’s boss.
Did You Know?
The age of the Internet truly is a wonderful thing. We’re able to access all sorts of useful information right at our fingertips, even when the problem seems only suited for a professional. The embossed clamp design, and a few variations, can be traced to the former Royal Navy Commander Lumley Robinson. Patented in the 1920’s, these useful tools have since become irreplaceable parts of repair toolkits. You can use them to make quick fixes on your car or keep a frustrating leak in your home from costing you money.
The Basics Of Screw Clamps
Here are a few things to keep in mind when browsing for your first hose clamp types. The screw clamp is used for hoses half an inch in diameter and up, a device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting (called barbs or nipples). Screw clamps consist of a stainless steel band, sometimes a galvanized band, where the screw thread pattern has been either cut or pressed. You’ll be turning to screw hose clamps to deal with damaged pipes in emergency situations. Keep in mind that serious leaks that threaten the safety of your family should always involve a professional.
Learning About Wire Hose Clamps
When you need a little more variety, embrace the embossed clamp design’s flexible structure. Wire hose clamps are just as descriptive, composed of a heavy piece of wire that’s usually bent into a tight U shape. Hose clamps are often used to moderate pressures, such as ones found in automotive and household settings. Hose clamps can also be used as heavy duty zip ties and are much stronger than duct tape. Your do-it-yourself toolkit is fantastic for giving you alternatives to quick solutions that often don’t hold up.
Trying Out Varied Embossed Clamps
The variety doesn’t end there. Worm drive hose clamps are able to be daisy-chained to make a longer clamp if there are several shorter ones without the required length. You also have spring clamps (widely considered to be the simplest type around) and gear clamps. Hose clamps come in quite a few materials and sizes, designed from the get-go to give you as much flexibility as possible. No longer will you feel powerless when an accident crops up in the middle of your week.
Basic Tips To Keep Safety In Mind
The name of the game, no matter what you’re doing, is safety. You’re looking up the embossed clamp design not just for convenience, but to keep tiny issues from blowing up in your face. Keep in mind stuck hoses should never be removed by cutting or slitting them. This can leave a scratch on the barb, damaging it irreparably and leaving you in a more expensive position. You also need to ensure you’re using the right hose clamps for plumbing problems, as just one wrong type can exacerbate the issue and potentially cause a health hazard.
The embossed clamp design is one of the wonders of the modern era. Pair it with this quick list to give yourself more freedom than ever before.