What Is the Role of Metalworking Fluids in Manufacturing?

It is easy to understand why every aspect concerning the metalworking process may be under scrutiny. Today, most manufacturers want to improve efficiencies as well as reduce costs when it comes to the use of metalworking fluids. There are actually four functions for metalworking fluids including chip removal, cooling, corrosion control and lubrication. A recent study has stated, many manufacturing companies estimate that 70% of unplanned equipment shutdowns have occurred within the past three years due to incorrect lubricant selection and management.
Needless to say, budgets have tightened and companies are searching for any way to regain a profit out of every job. The role of metalworking fluids is changing. Today, what was formerly considered a small aspect of manufacturing has become a primary focus. Castrol lubricants and fluids are now essential when it comes to shop efficiency, driving down costs and extending machinery and tool life.
Use Castrol Products for Better Performance
Manufacturing machines are now built faster, bigger and more productive. These machines call for better performance from metalworking fluids. High-pressure and tooling equipment have become a well-known standard for better finishes with a required reduction for cycle times. When focusing on machining segments, there is a desire for reducing part handling for jobs done-in-one that calls for using the correct lubricant for greater performance. In essence, the right fluids need to be matched to the tools and materials being used to mark a critical increase in operations.
Which Type of Metalworking Fluids Should Be Used?
When it comes to metalworking fluids, which type is expected to work for all applications and machines? There more than likely is not a single universal fluid for the job. However, there are optimum choices that will maximize tool life and operations. Choose from different types of fluids including castrol cutting fluid, castrol lubricants, castrol oil products, castrol super clean degreaser and others from the Chevron brand.
A truly great fluid distributor or manufacturer is a much-needed partner who understands and takes the time to get to know your application needs. The more they understand your operation, the better recommendations will be made so your applications will be more successful. This includes understanding that not every business is going to flourish with a one-size-fits-all type of solution.
Every Shop Is Different
Different machines and tools call for different solutions when it comes to the use of fluids. Some may require the use of lubricating oils that are a reliable and dependable solution when it comes to reducing machine maintenance. Each lubricating oil is differentiated with additives added to the same base oil known as a mineral oil.
A cutting oil offers the performance of various functions, as well. It is used to improve tool life and reduce the thermal deformation of workpieces, improves surface finishes and flushes away chips in the cutting zone. They come in categories such as straight oils, semi-synthetic fluids, soluble oils and synthetic fluids.
Other fluids include cleaners that are used for cleaning metal removal fluids and adding rust protection. There are also rust preventatives used to keep oxidation and rust from machined parts during warehousing as well as the delivery of parts. The bottom line is that it takes different fluid solutions for different applications.
What Is the Proper Choice for Your Manufacturing Needs?
Different types of machining including CNC machining, precision machining Swiss machining or drawing and stamping all use a specific type of fluid that has been formulated to fit that task. Specific fluids for machining applications can include hobbing, turning, tapping, drilling, milling, reaming, drawing, forming and stamping. Those are just a few applications that require specific fluids.
There are a few specific applications such as grinding and honing that call for cutting oils that are application specific. A quality distributor and manufacturer will have them available for you. This includes fluids meant to be used in conjunction with more exotic metals that use complex combinations of various metal alloys too.